Category: Powershell

  • AD FS Event ID 383 , 199, web.config file is malformed

    AD FS Proxy stopped working with Event ID 383 User Action:Fix the malformed data in the web.config file. or with you are found Event ID 199 Reason behind this is problem in config file microsoft.identityServer.proxyservice.exe.config located at You should take backups (and test those) Best Practice Normal file looks similar to below Quick way is…

  • Uninstall Exchange 2013, Exchange 2010 (Distribution Groups Error)

    After Migration to Microsoft 365 next step is to decommission the on premises Microsoft Exchange environment . Removing Exchange server seems simple process. Just hit remove program and follow the wizard. In most cases it end up in prerequisite checks most of those are simple to follow i,e manage if any mailbox exists on the…

  • Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell From MacOS

    Unable to connect Exchange Online PowerShell From MacOS this is the solution.

  • Microsoft Exchange Services Auto-start

    Microsoft Exchange Services Auto-start

    Sometime after a reboot you can notice all of the Microsoft Exchange Services do not started automatically . But if you go to server manager or services and start the pending services they start without fail. Easy way to do it after Microsoft Exchange 2016 reboot is just run the following script. But you don’t…